What is Sleep and Insomnia
Sleep is one of the most important activities of humans. It is important for a person to spend enough amount of time for sleeping. Usually, the number of hours required for sleeping depends on his or her age. For example, every adult above the age of 18 must have between 7 and a half to 9 hours of sleep, while teenagers between the age of 12 to 18 needs to sleep for about 8 and a half to 10 hours every night.
Sleep is not only done in order to feel good in the morning, it is also done in order to recharge the energy level of a person. It also helps make sure that each part of the body is functioning at full capacity. It also helps maintain the functions of a person’s immune system allowing you to avoid transferrable diseases.
Aside from these, this resting condition is also able to help people get rid of stress. And on top of that, whenever you have enough sleep, your body can concentrate on repairing itself. It also helps in balancing the chemicals inside a person’s brain.
But there are many disorders that can hinder a person from getting enough sleep. One such disorder is known as insomnia, also called wakefulness. This sleep disorder is known to affect thousands or even millions of individuals all over the world. Recent studies suggested that 50% of the overall population suffers from wakefulness while 10% suffers from chronic insomnia.
Insomnia is commonly caused by various psychological factors such as stress, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. However, it may also be caused by health problems which include arthritis, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson’s disease, brain tumors, GERD, strokes, trauma, congestive heart failure and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Now there are many ways you can ensure that you get enough sleep every night. One of these ways is meditation, which has been practiced by thousands or even millions of people from different countries. This relaxation technique is usually practiced while listening to soft music like the ones in Holosync meditation CD, which you can get for free if you visit www.meditation-music.com.au or www.meditate.com.au.